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Selling a rental property

Sell Your Rental Property

We help landlords looking to exit the market, without costly fees.

Changes to landlord legislation.

There’s no getting around the fact that landlords have been hit hard over recent years with the changes in legislation such as minimum EPC levels (moving up to a minimum of C-rating in 2025) and compulsory EICR certificates on the horizon.  Whilst we support these changes to increase the living standards for tenants, it can result in costly outlays for landlords.


This, coupled with tax changes for landlords such as section 24, it’s easy to see why some landlords are getting fed up and are considering an exit from the rental market. 


Here at Neighbourhood Properties, we do everything we can to help our landlords navigate the evolving landscape of being a landlord to ensure they are operating in a compliant way. 


However, we also understand that there becomes a time when a landlord has reached the end of their buy-to-let journey and they wish to sell their property to realise their asset. Here’s where we can help. 

Image by Marci Angeles

Investor Network

We work with a strong network of professional investors and portfolio landlords who are always looking for new additions to their businesses. Whether your property is tired and needs an upgrade, or if it’s fully compliant with a sitting Contract Holder/Contact Holder insitu, there will always be interest for cash-flowing assets. 


The beauty of letting us know that you’re looking to sell your property is that we can have confidential conversations with our network who have expressed an interest in a property like yours. A sale like this is often quick, discreet, and hassle-free. If you do have a tenant in the property, then this route offers minimal disruption and fears of their home being for sale on the open market, with no guarantee of the buyer's intentions. And, best of all you wouldn’t need to pay an expensive estate agency fee.


We enjoy long-lasting relationships with many of our landlords, some spanning over decades, and whilst we’re sad to see them leave, we want to ensure that their exit is a smooth experience too. Introducing them to another landlord is often the best way to achieve this. 

Let's have a chat...

Whether you’re an existing customer of ours or not, or whether you have one rental property, or 30+ it’s definitely worth a conversation with us to see if we can help. Professional landlords and investors are often cash buyers, and there are a number of ways an exit can be structured, such as staggered sales to minimise capital gains tax, or a lease option to take away the burden of responsibility immediately.

Image by Jozsef Hocza

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