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Neighbourhood Properties

Landlord Referral Scheme

Earn rewards for simply recommending Landlords to our company!

With so many vetted applicants looking for properties across the valleys, we’re on the look out for new landlords who can benefit from the great service we offer - high quality tenants, cost effective fees and efficient services.

We know from experience that Landlords tend to know other Landlords, so we’re offering a referral reward for a successful introduction to a Landlord onto our find tenant only or fully managed service.

Whilst we hope you agree that our services speak for themselves, we’d love to say thank you for any successful introductions made to other landlords, we think that deserves a reward and believe it is important to give back to our property investment community.

That’s why as part of our reward program, we’ll give you a £50 shopping voucher as a thank you for a Tenant Find and/or Fully Managed referral that comes our way.

How does it work and how can I get involved we hear you ask? Well it’s really easy…

Simply tell other landlords, friends and family about Neighbourhood Properties! So if you know anyone who is considering buying a rental property, looking to let out their own property, wish to exit the market and therefore would like an agent to take over managing their portfolio or simply change their current letting agent, then please put them in touch with us today.


For every one that joins us on your recommendation, we’ll send you the vouchers to say thank you. Make sure they let us know that you pointed them our way.

And here’s the best bit...

There’s no limit to the amount of Landlords you can refer, so the thank you vouchers will just keep coming. The referral reward is payable upon completion of the relevant transaction.

Want to find out more? Feel free to give the office a call on 01685 375511 or pop us on email at where we can answer any questions you may have!

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